Nintendo Announces Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp for Mobile

Nintendo Announces Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp for Mobile

Nintendo’s first attempts to enter the mobile gaming space have been interesting, to say the least. Miitomo, Super Mario Run and Fire Emblem Heroes have returned some mixed results, so fans have been cautious about news on the delayed Animal Crossing mobile game. Nintendo streamed a Direct presentation last night to divulge some details, and Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp for iOS and Android may be what fans have been waiting for.

As the title implies, players will be able to manage their own campsite, as well as to customize both their avatar’s appearance, and their campsite decorations and furniture. These decorative items and furniture can be crafted by the player, with the familiar character of Cyrus.

Players can increase their “friendship level” with the animal villagers by chatting with them or fulfilling requests from them—working on friendship will lead visitors to your campsite. Visitors can also come in the form of your real-life friends, with their avatars wandering around your campsite. And like the original games on Nintendo consoles, Pocket Camp will utilize your phone’s clock for the real passage of time, allowing for time and date-specific events.

The game is free to play, but expect some microtransactions by way of the game’s Leaf Tickets. While these tickets can be earned in-game, players can also buy these to use them for materials or for special attributes, such as shortening the time needed to craft items.

All in all, Pocket Camp may not be the full Animal Crossing experience, but it certainly fits many of the important elements of the series appropriately into a mobile game. The game will release in late November—pre-registration is available here for iOS and Android users. Check out the full Direct, embedded below.

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