At Home with Amy Sedaris Offers Some (Terrible) Advice About Grieving in This Exclusive Video

At Home with Amy Sedaris Offers Some (Terrible) Advice About Grieving in This Exclusive Video

In a very special episode of At Home with Amy Sedaris, truTV’s domestic goddess finds her instructions for entertaining the bereaved interrupted when death comes to her own doorstep.

Amy’s neighbor, Patty Hogg (also played by Sedaris), whirs into action, bringing over her “award-winning ginger snaps” and taking the reins of Amy’s TV show—with unexpected results. In the exclusive clip below, Patty—sort of a combination of American Horror Story: Murder House-era Jessica Lange and Paula Deen—drawls her way through a call-in question while Amy hides under a pillow on the couch. As guest stars go, Patty’s as confident (and as critical) as they come, sniping at Amy’s organization and offering some (very bad) advice for dealing with those in mourning. But her hair is on point, there’s no doubt about that.

At Home with Amy Sedaris airs Tuesdays at 10:30 p.m. on truTV.

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