Stephen Colbert Looks at Trump Changing Immigration Policy via Tweet and the Cancellation of Oktoberfest

Late Monday night Donald Trump announced via tweet that he’s going to sign “an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States.” Because of course he announced a sweeping change to American policy via social media. It caught his own administration off guard, as “Trump administration officials on Tuesday morning scrambled to finalize an executive order,” according to CNN. This has been the normal way government has worked the last three years (and change), so none of this should be surprising to anybody.
Still, it’s worth making fun of, assuming you can still laugh through the unending migraine and panic attack we’ve all collectively shared since the end of 2016. Stephen Colbert—still at home, still balancing his historic tartness with the homespun folksiness he adopted when moving to CBS—tackles the absurdity of a president making such major changes through an outlet as informal and unserious as Twitter, comparing it to if Obama announced Bin Laden’s death via TikTok. (Yes, Colbert’s staff has made that TikTok, and you can see it in this video.) Colbert also picks through Trump’s latest ridiculous, ego-stroking daily press conference, which is presumably about the government’s response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but usually just turns into Trump bragging about himself or berating reporters. And, since the cancellation of Oktoberfest for the first time since World War II is such big news, and also points out the sheer idiotic irresponsibility of the Republican rush to “reopen” America during a pandemic, Colbert also kicks the tires around on that a bit, too.
Check it out below, if you can stomach more jokes about our enduring international nightmare.