David Letterman Will Have a Show on Netflix in 2018
Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty
David Letterman will be back on TV in 2018, exclusively on Netflix, the service announced today.
Netflix’s press release says that the six episode series will see Letterman combine “two interests for which he is renowned: in-depth conversations with extraordinary people, and in-the-field segments expressing his curiosity and humor. In each hour-long episode, Letterman will conduct a long-form conversation with a singular guest—and will also explore topics on his own, away from the studio.”
Letterman was a master of the remote segment, so that last bit of news is exceptionally interesting to all of us here at Paste.
Per the press release, Letterman says “I feel excited and lucky to be working on this project for Netflix. Here’s what I have learned, if you retire to spend more time with your family, check with your family first. Thanks for watching, drive safely.”
Letterman, of course, wrapped up a 33 year career in late night TV in 2015, during which he played a crucial role in reshaping TV’s relationship with comedy. Read this thing if you want to learn more about it.