Director Oliver Stone, Amazon Studios Producer Roy Price Also Accused of Sexual Harassment
Photos by Slaven Vlasic/Getty, Woohae Cho/Getty
Harvey Weinstein was just the tip of the iceberg.
Perhaps encouraged by the waves upon waves of sexual misconduct allegations being made against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, women are now also coming forward about other Hollywood figures. The Man in the High Castle producer Isa Hackett said in an interview with THR that Amazon Studios executive Roy Price repeatedly and insistently harassed her, not taking no for an answer. And Oliver Stone has been accused of groping actress and Playboy model Carrie Stevens, according to the New York Daily News.
Hackett says that Price repeatedly propositioned her after a dinner at the San Diego Comic Con two years ago. She says Price used escalating, vulgar language in these attempts, from saying “you will love my dick” to simply shouting “anal sex” at her.
Amazon has suspended Price in the wake of these allegations. Hackett says the Weinstein scandal prompted her to come forward about her own “shocking and surreal” experience. Interestingly, Price was represented by Lisa Bloom, the same lawyer who worked for Harvey Weinstein for years. Bloom has resigned from both of the Hollywood moguls’ employ.
Stevens says director Oliver Stone (known for Platoon, Born on the Fourth of July and many other films) groped her at a party in June of 1997. From the NYDN:
“He was really cocky, had this big grin on his face like he was going to get away with something,” [said Stevens]. At that point, Stone “reached out and … honked it like a horn,” she said, describing him as “an immature guy in elementary school who snaps your bra.” Stevens said she was surrounded by other people, but nobody said anything.
Stone is known for being temperamental and bullying others during the creative process, particularly people who work for him (much like Weinstein). This sentiment was echoed by Billions showrunner Brian Koppelman:
Oliver Stone is a huge creative influence. Esp on writing dialog. But also, single creepiest meeting I was ever in. Loathsome. Sexist. Pig.
— Brian Koppelman (@briankoppelman) October 13, 2017
In fact, Stone defended Weinstein recently. He said that he’s “a believer that you wait until this thing gets to trial … it’s not easy what [Weinstein]’s going through.” He quickly backtracked on this statement, making an excuse saying he had been traveling for a few days and didn’t know the sheer number of women coming forward about Weinstein. He then said he would back out of a television series he was producing with The Weinstein Company.
Much has been made of the fact that Weinstein’s sexual misconduct would be a tipping point. Looks like we’re seeing evidence in support of that.