Even by Alex Jones’ Standards, This Clip Is Really Something Else
Screencap via YouTube
So, I categorically refuse to watch a full episode of InfoWars, but I think the clip below is pretty clear in terms of context—Alex Jones, right-wing madman, is commenting on the possibility that Russia has “kompromat” on Donald Trump, an idea that has been around for some time but gained a good deal of traction yesterday after his bizarre (and possibly treasonous) performance with Vladimir Putin.
Please note that this is not a new clip. It comes from April, but if we missed it then, you may have missed it too, and we feel it’s particularly appropriate considering the renewed round of suspicions.
Please also note that this clip is not remotely safe for work. It includes the words “ding-dong,” and that’s the least offensive part.
In summary, Alex Jones believes that Donald Trump would do the right thing if the Russians held kompromat on him, and reveal it to the public in lieu of starting World War 3.
That was the point, right?