Invisible Demons Trailer Showcases Indian Pollution Crisis

Climate change affects us all, though some parts of the world have had the luxury of anxiety more than others. Documentarian Rahul Jain takes a look at the developing economy of India through this lens, lending sharp visuals and on-the-ground coverage to Invisible Demons, which played at Cannes 2021. The follow-up to Jain’s 2016 doc Machines, which observes daily life in a textile factory, this film similarly looks to question the inner workings and effects of capitalism.
Now Invisible Demons, set in Delhi, is getting a home release through MUBI after a theatrical run, and its trailer offers a glimpse at the stunning images and provocative argument on offer.
Take a look:
A film that directly addresses what “progress” means when it comes to industrial nations and economies, shots of garbage, of booming business, of pollution-breathing workers, gives Invisible Demons a sharpness that adds bite to its otherwise breathtaking imagery. Air, water—the lifeblood of the world is under attack, and rarely is that so visually obvious than in a place as jam-packed with people as Delhi.
Invisible Demons is now streaming on MUBI.