It: Chapter 2 Begins Production with Adult Losers Club

It: Chapter 2 Begins Production with Adult Losers Club

The Losers Club is all grown up and have returned to their hometown as production on It: Chapter 2 has kicked off in Toronto.

Jessica Chastain, portraying the adult Beverly Marsh, celebrated her first day on set by posting a side-by-side photo of her and young predecessor Sophia Lillis, revealing a resemblance that is almost uncanny.

DAY 1 #BeverlyMarsh #ITmovie

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In the highly anticipated sequel, Chastain, along with Bill Hader, James McAvoy, James Ransone, Andy Bean, Isaiah Mustafa and Jay Ryan, will star in the adult half of the story based on Stephen King’s novel, in which the Losers return 27 years later to their hometown of Derry, Maine to face Pennywise once again. Bill Skarsgard is set to reprise his role as the sinister clown, while Teach Grant will play the grown-up version of Loser-terrorizing bully Henry Bowers.

James McAvoy, aka adult Bill, also posted on his Instagram to commemorating the beginning of production. The photo includes a set of polaroids featuring his co-stars, along with appearances from Jack Dylan Grazer (young Eddie) and Jaeden Lieberher (young Bill), teasing flashback appearances from the young Losers in the second installment.

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Snapped IT. #itmovie #thedisapearanceofthemoviesweshot #itmovie

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The Andy Muschetti-helmed sequel to the record-breaking, highest-grossing horror movie of all time is set to hit theaters on Sept. 6, 2019.

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