Joe Pera Returns to Adult Swim with Joe Pera Talks With You

Joe Pera seems like a very nice man. He’s like a kindly old grandfather combined with an innocent young choir boy, all wrapped up with the kind of fundamental decency people from the Midwest seem to think is their birthright. It might be played for laughs, but he seems so sincere that it usually feels like a respectful tribute rather than mockery. (If you want an idea of what we’re talking about, go watch the Pancake Breakfast Critic with Joe Pera series he made for MTV, or the excellent Joe Pera Helps You Find the Perfect Christmas Tree special that aired on Adult Swim in 2016.)
Pera’s been one of Paste’s favorite comedians for years, and we’re pretty excited about his upcoming Adult Swim show, Joe Pera Talks With You. Co-produced by his frequent collaborators and equally brilliant comedians Conner O’Malley and Jo Firestone, the fifteen-minute series premieres on Adult Swim at Midnight ET/PT on Sunday, May 20. That’s a long way away, but thankfully the network’s released the first clip from the show to tide all those Joe Peraniacs over for the next five weeks. Let’s all enjoy it together by pressing the play button below, okay?