Framework’s DIY Laptops Are A Right-To-Repair Refreshment Avery Thomas | November 2, 2022 Framework builds laptops and additional resources that make it a forerunner in supporting the right-to-repair movement.
Long Live the Barbie Birthday Cake Samantha Maxwell | November 2, 2022 What did the Barbie birthday cakes of the ’90s tell us about femininity?
Chris Redd Lights Up the Room with Why Am I Like This? Clare Martin | November 2, 2022 Redd prioritizes connecting with the audience in his first hour-long special.
Wrinkle Your Brain With Amanda Kramer’s Flamboyant Please Baby Please Andy Crump | November 2, 2022 Style, style, style fills Please Baby Please, but that doesn't mean the boisterous comedy-melodrama-musical is without…
Sony Announces PlayStation VR2 Is Coming Next February for $549.99 Elijah Gonzalez | November 2, 2022 A previous report stated Sony is preparing over 2 million units for launch.