Pokemon the Movie: I Choose You! Coming to Theaters Worldwide This Fall
Image via The Pokemon Company
In celebration of 20 years of Pokemon, Ash and Pikachu’s origin story is coming to the silver screen. You can catch it this Nov. 5 and 6 in select international theaters.
Pokemon the Movie: I Choose You! is a retelling of the original movie that started it all, but from a “new angle.” It will follow the meeting of Ash and his fuzzy yellow friend Pikachu on their journey to find Ho-Oh.
This movie is part of the new Sun and Moon series retelling the first season of the anime series, Indigo League, to commemorate the franchise’s 20th anniversary, but there’s a twist: Brock and Misty are nowhere to be seen.
Ash’s long-time partners in crime have been replaced by two new youthful faces: Verity and Sorrel. Twitter user Alex Aniel claims that a huge majority of the companions that Ash has made over the years only have spots in the movie’s credits, Brock and Misty included.
Just saw Pokémon I Choose You. See image for appearances/cameos (spoilers). pic.twitter.com/jYHizUqBsX
— Alex Aniel (@cvxfreak) July 6, 2017
Screening times and locations have yet to be announced, but if this rewriting of history hasn’t stirred your heart into turmoil, you can sign up for updates via Fathom Events, and see the movie’s poster below.