Quick! Check Out this Punisher Teaser Before it Disappears
Image via @agentedeMARVEL/Twitter
If the recent controversy surrounding the Avengers: Infinity War teaser is any indication, Disney is not big on leaked information. So to that end, you’d better hurry up and watch this Punisher teaser before it returns from which it came—Mickey’s clenched, gloved fist.
Primer teaser de @ThePunisherpic.twitter.com/RwvvXkQLjU
— Agent of Marvel (@AgentedeMARVEL) August 18, 2017
The teaser has everything you could hope for from a Punisher show. Brief clips of violence, grungy man-voiced voiceover and slow-motion shots of hammers breaking shit. While the Marvel Netflix series have fluctuated up and down over the past few years, everything we’ve seen about the Punisher so far looks like an up. A violent, gory up.
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