Rick and Morty Returns to Its Pop Culture Blender Ways in the Latest Trailer for Season 5

Let’s see… Voltron, National Treasure, Hellraiser, De Palma’s Scarface, a little bit of Transformers and Planet of the Apes… yep, with this many references, this absolutely scans as a new Rick and Morty trailer. Adult Swim’s all-purpose pop culture blender returns for its fifth season on Sunday, June 20, and here’s the latest glimpse at all the meta madness in store. Even using “Sabotage” by the Beastie Boys feels like a reference to that one Star Trek trailer people freaked out about a few years ago. The nature of Rick and Morty is to comment on everything that’s ever come before it—it’s like a Russian nesting doll of pop culture references that makes Family Guy seem as cloistered as a monk—so none of this is a surprise. The question is how will the season incorporate all of these references, and will it be able to do so in stories that are both interesting and funny? It’s had a solid track record of doing that in the past, so maybe it’ll continue down that path in this latest season.
Check out the trailer below, and don’t forget to set those DVRs (do those still exist?) for Sunday, June 20.