Rocket League Taking First Steps to Cross-Platform Party System Play After Autumn Update

Rocket League Taking First Steps to Cross-Platform Party System Play After Autumn Update

The Rocket League community is still alive and strong, with developer Psyonix still pushing regular updates and new content. Psyonix detailed the newest Autumn Update for the game, while also outlining their ambitions post-update. Besides adding the usual new arenas, cars and cosmetics, the developer hopes to update the game’s tournament and party systems.

On Psyonix’s blog, the developer talks about their intention to launch a beta for a Tournament Mode by the end of 2017, an idea dating back to the game’s launch in 2015. The developer clarifies that this beta would only be available to Steam players due to their ability to gather performance feedback from the service much quicker. However, Tournaments will launch on all platforms in a future 2018 update.

But the big news here is Psyonix’s intention to overhaul the game’s party system. Rather than use the online infrastructure of their respective platforms (Steam, Xbox Live and Playstation Network), players would party up through the developer’s own PsyNet service. Invites and notifications would be done in-game rather than through the platform’s own interface, which theoretically should allow players to party up with each other regardless of platform. Cross-platform parties is one of the most highly requested features of the game, so seeing Psyonix take preliminary action to make this a reality is encouraging.

Meanwhile, the Autumn Update includes new events and an item called the “Decryptor” than can unlock any Crate without the use of a Key. Check out the details on the new cars and content on the Rocket League website, or watch the video embedded below. The Autumn Update launches on Sept. 28.

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