Scott Derrickson to Direct Marvel’s Doctor Strange Adaptation

Marvel’s dealt with some pretty significant controversy recently regarding who will direct its upcoming Ant-Man feature, but there’s no bones about who will be behind the camera for its Doctor Stranger adaptation. Variety reported yesterday that Scott Derrickson was in talks with the comic giant to helm the film, and Derrickson confirmed the news last night via his Twitter account. Derrickson co-wrote and directed 2012’s Sinister, which netted him some significant critical praise. He perhaps most famously directed The Exorcism of Emily Rose, which grossed over $144 million worldwide. His latest feature, Deliver Us from Evil opens July 2 and stars Eric Bana and Edgar Ramirez.
Like Ant-Man, Doctor Strange is one of Marvel’s lesser-known but beloved cult characters. Marvel hasn’t released any plot details yet, but in the hands of a buzz-worthy director, the film should inspire some optimism from hardcore Marvel fanatics.