Watch Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani Make Fun of Themselves on Late Night With Seth Meyers
Image via NBC
During the Trump administration, comedians have expanded their job description to include becoming historians, doing the research the president isn’t for his own job and digging up old footage of Trump contradicting his present-day self. Such sleuthing made for a fun episode of Late Night With Seth Meyers on Monday night as the host employed another with which to tag-team critique Donald Trump: Donald Trump.
Trump’s announcement of the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi already got some laughs on John Oliver this week, and if you can believe it, there’s a completely different set of laughable footage from that same speech that Meyers gets to tackle. When Trump likens the raid to “a movie,” Meyers wonders if Trump was watching a Mission: Impossible flick, and if he could tell the difference. (Believe it or not, that situation is actually not unprecedented for this president.) Meyers’ vocal impression of Trump is surprisingly spot-on throughout.
Trump admitted that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was not informed about the raid in which al-Baghdadi was killed ahead of time due to a fear of “leaks.” The irony is that this dig comes the same week Rudy Giuliani literally butt-dialed an NBC reporter while talking about a suspicious need for money and berating the Bidens. Some old footage of Giuliani becomes video gold in the clip as Meyers speculates about how this could have happened. Some more skillful editing is employed so that 2011 footage and Trump tweets heckling Obama get spun on himself. The full segment below will certainly make you chuckle, but also wish for the days when Trump’s tweets were just those of a cranky millionaire shouting into the void.