Shameless (1.11)

In “Daddyz Girl” a few secrets, while not fully revealed, are at least slightly exposed.
After learning that his worker’s comp benefits have been cancelled, Frank goes looking for another high-risk job while Carl and Debbie tag along (no school because of budget cuts and, besides, they need to “learn the family biz”). In one full swoop, the episode covers two of the nation’s most serious problems: insurance fraud and school cutbacks. In spite of a guardian-angel worker Frank eventually, successfully manages to staple his hand to a piece of future.
In retaliation for her father’s verbal abuse (he called her a whore in front of a church meeting) high schooler Karen dyes her hair black, vandalizes his car and starts an anti-daddy website on which she streams a live video of getting it on with a heavily drugged Frank. Again this dark, cable comedy pushes the envelope.
Fiona makes a new friend (Amy Smart) at a school meeting who ends up being a little too friendly as she tries on clothes with Fiona, kisses her on the mouth and offers her a job with her husband.
Lip and a reluctant Ian search for Ian’s real dad after learning his DNA is a match for one of Frank’s unknown brothers. So they visit Grandma (Louise Fletcher) in prison. “The food’s not so great but the pussy’s pretty good.”
With Grandma’s leads they find the brothers, the first two identical to Frank. From a younger brother, the most likely match, they discover that Frank was once an altar boy and first in his class at catechism. He also mentions a “falling out” with Frank for which he takes the blame. Ian suddenly bails on the meeting and tells Lip, “We all have our problems with Frank. But he’s still my father…I’m happy with who we are, even if you’re not.”
The Gallaghers are the epitome of what has traditionally been a non-traditional family, but is maybe becoming part of the “norm”.
Officer Tony catches Steve stealing cars and gives him an ultimatum of being arrested or leaving town but it’s Ian and Lip who end up arrested. We don’t really learn what happens to Steve, but with Debbie giving Steve one night to tell Fiona about his secret life, next week’s season-ending episode will hopefully answer that and a few more questions.