SNL Season 43 Blooper Reel: Watch Donald Glover and Ryan Gosling Break
Image via NBC
Saturday Night Live has a long history of short films and pretapes, dating back to Albert Brooks’s films from the very first season. They’ve become more prominent than ever over the last decade, though, thanks to the show’s consistently hilarious digital shorts. And with this increased focus on pretapes, we’ve been gifted with annual SNL blooper reels. Now that the show is on summer hiatus, the season 43 gag reel has appeared, featuring some hilarious breaks from stars like Donald Glover, Ryan Gosling and apparent four-letter-word-lover Charles Barkley.
This video gives us a lot of things we never knew we needed, like a montage of Kate McKinnon and Aidy Bryant saying hilarious, yet disturbing things about dolphin sex, and Glover losing it over a Cecily Strong reaction. Jessica Chastain also makes a few delightful appearances. You really do just have to watch it for yourself—and luckily you can, below.