The Best Pictures and Videos from the March for Our Lives Anti-Gun Violence Protests
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty
“I can tell you for sure, it’s larger than the Trump inauguration,” said Democratic Representative Chris Van Hollen of this weekend’s protest against gun violence in Washington D.C.
Officials connected with today’s #MarchForOurLives here in D.C. tell @NBCNews that they are estimating a crowd size of 800,000 after forecasts of 500,000.
Sure feels likes that from our vantage point on the ground.
— Jacob Soboroff (@jacobsoboroff) March 24, 2018
An impressive crowd gathered today in DC for the #MarchForOurLives rally
— DigitalGlobe (@DigitalGlobe) March 24, 2018
Washington D.C. was the site of the main march, but it was far from the only one. Practically every major city in America held large protests over the weekend.
Aerial footage shows the turnout at various March for Our Lives events across the US today
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) March 24, 2018
Here is but a sampling of images and video from what may turn out to be a watershed moment in American history, as a new generation assumes the mantle of political responsibility—abdicated by those who came before them.
paul mccartney is marching in nyc in tribute to john lennon who lost his life in that city due to gun violence
— caroline (@sogreedygrande) March 24, 2018
The crowd gathered along San Diego’s Embarcadero for today’s #MarchForOurLives.
— #NBC7 San Diego (@nbcsandiego) March 24, 2018
Portland OR
— michael oliver (@trappercreek) March 24, 2018
I mean, he has a
— Devin Duke (@sirDukeDevin) March 26, 2018
— Resonant Muse (@ResonantMuse) March 25, 2018
Presented without caption
— Donté Stallworth (@DonteStallworth) March 24, 2018
This may be my favorite.
— Ally Maynard (@missmayn) March 24, 2018
Today I witnessed the most amazing display of emotion put into art. We will never forget and we will never stop fighting
— em (@EmilyHandsel) March 25, 2018
Looks like Jared Kusher’s brother and his girlfriend marched for gun control in dc yesterday.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) March 25, 2018
— Ashley Feinberg (@ashleyfeinberg) March 25, 2018
I mean goddamn
— KT NELSON (@KrangTNelson) March 24, 2018
A six-year-old just handed this to me.
— Laura Koenig (@2nickels) March 24, 2018
This sign deserves a pulitzer #marchforourlives (???? @claremarienyc)
— Liz Plank (@feministabulous) March 24, 2018
A World War II veteran who fought with General Patton at the Battle of the Bulge,, my Dad will be 100 years old this year. He supports the #MarchForOurLives.
— Corinne LaPook (@CorinneLaPook) March 24, 2018
Enough said.
— Jon Soltz (@jonsoltz) March 24, 2018
Kids stood in silence at the Hawaii State Capitol holding the names of gun violence victims. #MarchForOurLives ????:
— Honolulu Civil Beat (@CivilBeat) March 24, 2018
— Glenn Clabo (@GClabo) March 25, 2018
Your daily reminder that @repjohnlewis is legit.
— Ady Barkan (@AdyBarkan) March 24, 2018
This is #NaomiWadler!
— March For Our Lives (@AMarch4OurLives) March 24, 2018
Don’t let the NRA fool you: Many proud gun owners believe in gun reform — and they attended the #MarchForOurLives to let the nation know why
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) March 25, 2018
Jacob Weindling is a staff writer for Paste politics. Follow him on Twitter at @Jakeweindling.