Some People Are Actually Mad That Jeremy Corbyn Helped a Woman Carry Her Baby Carriage. These Are Their Tweets.
Photo by WPA Pool/Getty
With Trump safely secluded away in New Jersey where the only damage he can do is over Twitter and with a golf club, the world looks elsewhere for its outrage. They found it in UK Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn helping a woman with her baby carriage.
Jeremy Corbyn. You are an absolute diamond.
— Rachael (@Rachael_Swindon) August 7, 2017
The video, originally posted by one of his staffers, shows the leader of the Labour party literally just assisting a woman in lifting up a carriage. It’s worth noting that nearly everybody in the modern world has a camera with them at all times in their pocket, staffers or otherwise. And, stunt or not, it’s still a pretty low-stakes situation in general. There’s no political platform being espoused here.
It’s the most light-hearted, insignificant story ever, and it would be insane for anyone to have an extreme reaction. So, obviously, the anti-labour contingent was pissed. Here are some tweets proving that Hell hath no fury like a bunch of bored Brits on a Tuesday:
I like how Corbyn helped a woman with a pram and it was all perfectly captured on camera. The complete and utter fraud.
— George Smiley (@364690) August 8, 2017
Did the mother and bsby get an appearance fee from the Labour Party?
— Caedmon’s Cat (@caedmonscat) August 8, 2017
Good way to bury negative press
— Eddie Fleas (@EddieFleas) August 8, 2017
This is a “I love my size 14 wife” level of low bar to clear. Who doesn’t help people with push chairs?
— Helen Lewis (@helenlewis) August 8, 2017
Corbyn does decent thing helps a lady with her pram, hailed a sign of his true character. I did the same recently, do I stand for office ?
— David Scott (@DavidS1947) August 7, 2017
Tobias Ellwood tried to save a dying man, but all Tories are evil. Jeremy Corbyn helped someone with a pram, and it proves he’s a saint.
— Daniel Cousins (@Daniel_Cousins) August 8, 2017
‘I helped you carry your pram up stairs when there was a ramp, by the way welfare cuts that hit you are in MY manifesto’, @jeremycorbyn
— LisaMuggeridge (@LisaMuggeridge) August 8, 2017
I do this sometimes too. Maybe I should be prime minister.
— Rick (@FlipChartRick) August 8, 2017
“captured by Mr Corbyn’s press officer and posted on Snapchat” Change to ‘Labour lurkers find women with pram for photo op’
— Christine Pierce (@GibsonPierceUK) August 7, 2017
“The moment was filmed by Mr Corbyn’s press officer “
Yeah,he seems like a solid guy & this is def not a PR stunt ????— Rosanna ???????????????????????? (@rosannaalucia) August 7, 2017
Tobias Ellwood MP went to help a dying policeman on London Bridge but that pales into insignificance besides the Corbyn pram story.
— Gillian Lazarus (@GillianLazarus) August 7, 2017
This so makes up for his refusal to condemn violent, vicious,dictators& sharing platforms with terrorists
— Dear Aunty (@dearaunty) August 8, 2017
Vote for Jeremy Corbyn and he’ll carry your pram up the stairs.
— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) August 7, 2017
Thats where Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin went wrong…they didnt help a woman with a pram in front of the Media/Cameras. #Corbyn.
— Completely Adorable (@HollyJohnsonfan) August 8, 2017
Stay tuned for tomorrow when Jeremy Corbyn allows someone with only a “few things” go before him at the supermarket checkout.
— Steven Duckworth (@FoxHedgehog) August 8, 2017
We can ignore all of Jeremy Corbyn’s faults because he helped a woman carry a pram is my new favourite reason why Jeremy Corbyn is great.
— DJ (@DAJOZ072129) August 8, 2017
You know what would’ve been nice? If Corbyn’s press officer had also helped with the pram instead of filming it for publicity.
— Tom Shakespeare (@shakeys7) August 8, 2017
Hey, Corbyn, would you have helped the poor souls in this video too or is it just a staged pram lift you’re good at
— Richard Short (@ToryShorty) August 8, 2017
Helping someone who is struggling with a pram does not make someone a hero. It makes them normal. #Corbyn
— Paul Singh (@Paul1Singh) August 8, 2017
Corbyn in a tight corner over Venezuela. Press officer – “I know, photo op” Ah there’s a pram. Wheel in the Saint & post to fans. Job done.
— birdy birdy (@dawnquorus) August 8, 2017
Guys, was it Corbyn’s press officer who filmed him helping to carry that pram up the stairs?
— Chaminda Jayanetti (@1000cuts) August 8, 2017
Corbyn helps a woman with a pram and gets eulogized. Gosh, such sycophancy.
— Nicholas Cox (@revnickc) August 8, 2017
This is totally sane and normal.