Some People Are Actually Mad That Jeremy Corbyn Helped a Woman Carry Her Baby Carriage. These Are Their Tweets.

Some People Are Actually Mad That Jeremy Corbyn Helped a Woman Carry Her Baby Carriage. These Are Their Tweets.

With Trump safely secluded away in New Jersey where the only damage he can do is over Twitter and with a golf club, the world looks elsewhere for its outrage. They found it in UK Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn helping a woman with her baby carriage.

The video, originally posted by one of his staffers, shows the leader of the Labour party literally just assisting a woman in lifting up a carriage. It’s worth noting that nearly everybody in the modern world has a camera with them at all times in their pocket, staffers or otherwise. And, stunt or not, it’s still a pretty low-stakes situation in general. There’s no political platform being espoused here.

It’s the most light-hearted, insignificant story ever, and it would be insane for anyone to have an extreme reaction. So, obviously, the anti-labour contingent was pissed. Here are some tweets proving that Hell hath no fury like a bunch of bored Brits on a Tuesday:

This is totally sane and normal.

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