The Betsy DeVos Era at the Dept. of Education Kicks Off With a Misspelled Tweet
Photo courtesy of Getty
Hey, maybe people are overreacting about how bad newly minted Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos will be for our nation’s collective intellect. Maybe if we just give her a chance…
Well that’s not great. Hey, Department of Education twitter person, do you maybe mean W.E.B. Du Bois? With a “u”? And a space?
We hereby rescind our equanimity from the first paragraph. This is bad. We’re all going to be illiterate soon.
Now, TO BE FAIR, nobody knows who was behind this tweet, and the chances that it’s DeVos herself are pretty slim. Still, I defy you to find a more perfect metaphor for DeVos’ first week than a misspelled tweet by the motherflippin’ Department of Education. This, after all, is the woman with no real experience, no plan for our public schools, and a stated goal of “advancing God’s kingdom” through school reform. Whether she issued the tweet or not, it’s a pretty perfect representation of the new regime.
Remarkably, the tweet has been up for an hour already, with no signs of removal. Never admit you’re wrong!
Update: They removed the tweet, fixed it, and then everything was fine.
Until the next tweet.