The Funniest Tweets About Kanye West’s Embarrassing Foray Into Politics
Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty
Kanye West is getting political, everyone. Since his return to Twitter, he has been on an absolute tear, and he set the medium alight on Saturday with this tweet:
I love the way Candace Owens thinks
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 21, 2018
Candace Owens is a “conservative commentator” whose career focus is promoting right-wing ideology to a black audience. She writes columns like this one, claiming that police shootings of black men have nothing to do with racism. Basically, she’s an opportunist who has used conservatives’ desperate desire for any minority representation to forge a career for herself, and now she’s been endorsed by Kanye. But he wasn’t stopping there—he went on to tweet nonsense like this after people criticized him:
we have freedom of speech but not freedom of thought
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 22, 2018
The thought police want to suppress freedom of thought
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 22, 2018
This, of course, is a classic alt-right response to criticism—the fact that other people make fun of me or take me to task for dumb opinions means I’m being censored! (You won’t be surprised to learn that such luminaries as Infowars’ Alex Jones love him now.)
Finally, on Monday, Kanye completed his transition to MAGA Twitter weirdo by flooding his timeline with videos by conservative huckster and Dilbert creator Scott Adams. Here’s one example:
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 23, 2018
If you like Kanye, this all sucks. Luckily, a bunch of people made fun of him. In the absence of further analysis regarding a dumb celebrity getting duped by Red Pill Twitter, I turn you over to them. Please enjoy:
kanye west is a famously narcissistic moron who literally cannot cope with the slightest bit of criticism… and you’ll never guess which political group he’s aligning with
— KT NELSON (@KrangTNelson) April 23, 2018
Kanye morphed so quickly into his generation’s Billy Corgan I didn’t even have time to write a think piece about it
— Jeremy Gordon (@jeremypgordon) April 23, 2018
I feel really stupid for buying Kanye’s $120 plain white t-shirt now that I know he’s a Scott Adams fan
— PeterNorway (@classiclib3ral) April 23, 2018
I miss the old Kanye, not Infowars Kanye
— Juggalocialism (@UweBollocks) April 23, 2018
— Ethan Chiel (@ethanchiel) April 23, 2018
time flies
— Max Tani (@maxwelltani) April 23, 2018
Kanye and Scott Adams linking up is absolutely the opening of one of the seven seals.
— austin walker (@austin_walker) April 23, 2018
Last week: Yay! Kanye’s back on Twitter!
This week: Omg he’s posting photos of himself in a Dilbert diaper in a cardboard prison labeled “wrongthink”
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) April 23, 2018
my high school government teacher always bragged about how she used to teach kanye west and honestly i blame her for all this mrs. corbett you fucked up
— Matt Bellassai (@MattBellassai) April 23, 2018
you can tell kanye west is officially a conservative now because he’s recording his computer screen with his phone
— Matt Binder (@MattBinder) April 23, 2018
kanye…..bud….your dock is a mess!!!!! still using safari, updates need attention, DEFAULT height on the motherfucker. doesnt even auto-hide. please tell me this aint the one you paid 250k for man. this hurts to see
— jesse farrar (@BronzeHammer) April 23, 2018
Kanye’s next album is going to be:
“FW: RE: Fw: FW: FW: Red Pill”
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) April 23, 2018
I’m 100% certain I could sell Kanye a bag of magic beans.
— Kevin Seccia (@kevinseccia) April 23, 2018
how many hours until kanye just tweets “gorilla mindset”
— austin walker (@austin_walker) April 23, 2018
Kanye’s new album track list:
“Alpha” ft. Scott Adams & Dilbert
“Free Market God” ft. Charlie Kirk
“I’m Very Confused”
“Mindset Locked & Loaded” ft. “Weird Mike” Cernovich
“Holocaust, Real?” ft. Anthony Scaramucci
— jordan (@JordanUhl) April 23, 2018
i guess as an anime nerd with a massive inferiority complex kanye was always going to go this path but linking to right-wing videos by the dilbert guy still seems too on-the-nose
— Cohen is a Ghost (@skullmandible) April 23, 2018
the other thing about like kanye getting into the fucking dilbert guy is
scott adams was once caught pretending to be other people on reddit to call himself a genius
of people in rap who i could imagine doing the same thing,
— Colin Spacetwinks (@spacetwinks) April 23, 2018
The Kanye x Dilbert clothing line is just gonna be like $600 t-shirts that say “DIVORCED” on them
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) April 23, 2018
as a proud conservative I do not care what fatcat celebrities think abt politics. go back to your celeb stuff and leave politics to the adults. now to log onto YouTube and see what nice things kanye west and the dilbert guy have to say about our game show president
— KT NELSON (@KrangTNelson) April 23, 2018
Lastly, these two aren’t necessarily funny, just super, super accurate:
kanye tweeting out scott adams videos was the natural next step after the candace owens tweet in his evolution of going full MAGA twitter guy
— maya kosoff (@mekosoff) April 23, 2018
Kanye is a very good example of a vulnerable person looking for quick fix solutions to existential problems finding dudes on YouTube who claim to have all of them.
This is how the YouTube algorithm works. Hear you me, Stefan Molyneux is next.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) April 23, 2018