Watch a Clip From Netflix’s Forthcoming Crime Drama Ozark

Watch a Clip From Netflix’s Forthcoming Crime Drama Ozark

In Ozark’s teaser trailer, Jason Bateman asks, “How difficult would it be for someone to disappear?” before flashing through a rapid sequence of Gone Girl-style mania with guns, arson and fake deaths. In the clip above, we learn why Bateman would be asking that question.

It turns out Marty Byrde (Bateman) is the top money launderer for the second-largest drug cartel in Mexico, and after somehow pissing them off, the Byrdes must escape to the Ozark Mountains. Season one will mostly consist of the Byrdes, husband and wife Marty and Wendy (Laura Linney) with their teenage kids Charlotte (Sofia Hublitz) and Jonah (Skylar Gaertner), trying to avoid both the U.S. government and Mexican cartel while dealing with their own issues.

The clip shows Bateman in a rolled-up dress shirt, not-so-smoothly breaking the news to his wife while simultaneously preparing her for the getaway, saying, “We’re going to prioritize, we’re going to compartmentalize and it’s going to be a little bit of time management … ” It’s Michael Bluth all over again, except this time he’s the one who screwed over his family (the intrafamily bickering remains a constant).

Watch Ozark on Netflix July 21.

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