Watch Fortune Feimster’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders Impression from Talk Show The Game Show

Watch Fortune Feimster’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders Impression from Talk Show The Game Show

Here’s an exclusive clip from this week’s episode of truTV’s Talk Show The Game Show, with North Carolina’s own Fortune Feimster doing her Sarah Huckabee Sanders impression after some gentle prodding from host Guy Branum. As Feimster notes, her impression is basically just her putting on a wig, but that doesn’t mean it’s not funny, or worth checking out.

Talk Show The Game Show is what it sounds like: a talk show where guests receive “points” for typical talk show behavior. What do they win, besides the feeling of a job well done? Does it really matter?

The show airs on truTV on Thursday nights at 11 PM, and you can see the full segment with Feimster in tomorrow night’s episode.

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