Watch Grace Helbig and Mamrie Hart Try Not to Laugh in this Exclusive Episode of “Bad Joke Telling”

What we have for you here is an exclusive premiere of the latest episode of “Bad Joke Telling.” The Whistle Sports web series pits two contestants against each other in a high-stakes competition not to laugh at bad, terrible, unfunny, really just criminally horrendous jokes. First one contestant reads a joke to the other, then the other reads a joke back, and whoever laughs first loses. Except, it’s okay to laugh at the joke if you’re the one telling it. Cool? Cool.
In today’s episode, This Might Get… hosts Grace Helbig and Mamrie Hart square off in what’s pretty much the knock-knock joke version of Captain America: Civil War. It’s harrowing stuff, folks. You may think you’re immune to the unique pain of witnessing bad jokes, but let me tell you there is no such immunity. The bottom can always fall out from under you, plunging you into new and unimaginable depths. I’ve been to those depths—hell, I was born in them, molded by them. So it is with some experience that I tell you these are exquisitely bad jokes, told with verve and, dare I say, tenacity by Helbig and Hart. Please enjoy the video below, and check out more “Bad Joke Telling” right here.
Seth Simons is Paste’s assistant comedy editor. Follow him on Twitter.