Watch Jimmy Kimmel Read Mean Tweets from Trump Supporters
Image via ABC/YouTube
Jimmy Kimmel Live!’s “Mean Tweets” segment is notorious for letting the general public poke fun at famous people, but this time, the subject of the online harassment wasn’t a rapper or actor. It was Kimmel himself. The harassers? They were none other than Donald Trump supporters who didn’t take too kindly to Kimmel’s suggestion that they admit Trump is a mistake.
One Twitter user called him a “snowflake” and suggested he move countries. Another asked if “baby Jimmy want[ed] his bottle.” Kimmel also searched Facebook for some hate directed towards him, and he wasn’t disappointed. A woman on the social networking site said that Kimmel reminds her of “a demented little kid at a social gathering” and that his parents “should be arrested for giving birth to him.” Ah, the classic arrest-the-parents-of-the-socially-awkward-kid joke. Classic!
Kimmel thanked everyone for the feedback at the end of the segment, which was just as entertaining as watching Oscar nominees read insults about themselves in front of a camera.
Watch the segment above.