Watch St. Vincent Play New Song, “LA”

The follow-up to "New York," but no date on a new album yet.

Watch St. Vincent Play New Song, “LA”

St. Vincent has been teasing the prospect of a new album for weeks now, releasing a lovely single called “New York,” announcing some tour dates, and telling the Guardian last week that she’s in “deep nun mode” while she puts the finishing touches on said record.

In that interview with the Guardian, Annie Clark also unveiled some new song titles, including “Sugarboy,” “Pills,” “Smoking Section” and “LA.” On Sunday at Tokyo’s Summer Sonic Festival, she played the latter for the first time. You can watch that performance below.

In the Guardian interview, Clark talked about her recent breakup with model Cara Delevigne and how it found its way into her new music, and described herself as being “completely monastic. Sober, celibate—full nun.”

There’s no release date as yet on the follow-up to St. Vincent’s 2014’s self-titled, full-length album. We do know, however, that Clark is set to direct a feature-film adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray.

???? new song “LA” – what a ???????? hoping this will be the next single. ??????????I love it! Instant Hit. ????The reinvention of the Saint is better then I ever expected #stvincent #tokyo #hostesscluballnighter #fearthefuture #fearthefuturetour #st_vincent #annieclark • repost from @niw.a.rie •

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