Watch Wilderado’s Paste Session Recorded Live at Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion

Paste Studio “On The Road” set up shop at the 2024 Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion in Bristol, Tennessee-Virginia, the annual music festival that’s been honky tonkin’ since 2001. The festival features Americana, Appalachian Roots and more, honoring the legacy of Ralph Peer’s 1927 Bristol Sessions that introduced the Carter Family to the world, and continue to inform and inspire musicians to this day. We chose the most fitting location for this intimate series, showcasing artists in the performance space inside the Birthplace of Country Music Museum, dedicated to telling the story of the Bristol Sessions.
Full Session
Max Rainer from Wilderado joined us in the museum to share two songs from the new record Talker, including the title track and “Sometimes.” He shared a third song called “For Peyton,” written for a fan named Peyton who commented on Twitter that if she could choose one band to write her a song, it would be Wilderado. So Max wrote her this song, and it is quite good.
“For Peyton”
During soundcheck, we were trying to remember how long it had been since we were in a studio together. We didn’t Google it at the time, but I just did, and it turns out it was so long ago that the band was still called Bird Dog at that time. It also turns out that they were the second band to ever play Paste Studio NYC, following Greek artist Monika Christodoulou at Paste Studio NYC’s grand opening on Oct 13, 2015.
The new record Talker represents a triumph for the band, reinforcing the idea that making music is truly their purpose, instead of auto-piloting themselves into a second record without examining their intentions. They’d spent 265 days on the road in 2022 touring the first record, and were feeling the burn. Says Rainer, “We came home feeling a combination of deflated and proud, having done some serious hard work. When it came time to approach a second record, the biggest thing for us was making sure that we put in the time beforehand to decide what we wanted to make… It was interesting going into a record with such intentionality, and such a desire for it to reignite our interest… So we went in to work on this, and I’m proud to say that it did just that.”
Big thanks to Charlene, Danielle and the whole team at Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion, and to June and her team at the Birthplace of Country Music Museum for bringing these sessions to life. Stay tuned for more Bristol x Paste sessions on the way.