OK Go Creates More Eye Candy with “The Writing’s on the Wall” Video

OK Go has done it again. The band’s video for new song “The Writing’s on the Wall” is just as colorful, fun and engaging as we’ve come to expect from the power pop foursome. And while the visual aspects of the video couldn’t be stronger, OK Go doesn’t lose sight of the song’s message: a pre-breakup tune about two people seeings things in different ways.
The band’s videos have been at the forefront of their image since the 2006 video for “Here It Goes Again.”
“When the treadmill video broke we suddenly were a much bigger band than we were the month before, but we also knew that now people were gonna see us as a kind of a one-hit stunt band,” Kulash said. “We could go in two directions: We could either try to out-cool it, try to out-run it like Radiohead did with ‘Creep’ or just embrace it and go, OK, what really worked here.”
And the visual illusions really work here. According to Rolling Stone, the video for “The Writing’s on the Wall” took three weeks to simply assemble along with 50 takes to get right. But it doesn’t seem so bad. After all, how fun does this look to make?
Check the video out above. OK Go’s new album Hungry Ghosts is due out in October.