They’ve Invented a Bro Romper For Those Hoping To Dump Their Last Ounce Of Self-Respect
Photo via ACED DesignFulfilling a need that literally no bro realized they had, new clothing company ACED Design has invented a romper for men. Finally. The RompHim—sporting a name suggesting a whimsical bout of fraternity fisticuffs—is designed for the summer-time bro on the go. Per the company’s Kickstarter page: “We spent countless hours designing the RompHim to be your favorite summer outfit. Concerts? Beach days? Rooftops? Pool parties? Leisurely strolls? Bar patios? This super-garment is designed to take them all on in style, keeping you cool as the days and nights heat up.”
An outfit for both leisurely strolls and pool parties? Color us intrigued. Or, at the very least, pastel pinks and blues.
Now, for the incredibly affordable price of a mere $95 Kickstarter pledge, you too can spend the summer romping around with your bros. Considering ACED Design has already blown past its $10,000 goal to the tune of $50,000 and climbing, it’s a veritable fact that you won’t be the solo bro wearing a RompHim at your next above-ground pool fraternity bash.
To further convince early-adopters, the @originalromphim’s Instagram account is bursting at the tiny inseams with pictures of romped-up bros in action. It’s all typical stuff: drinking beer, attending EDM-focused music festivals, etc. There’s even a shot with one gentle bro watching a Yankees’ game from afar so his ass doesn’t get kicked. If these pictures don’t provide a convincing enough argument for you to trade in your eternal self-respect, maybe nothing will.
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