Woman-Only Wonder Woman Screenings Piss Some Men Off, Naturally
Images via Warner Bros./YouTube
There’s a certain subsection of our culture that has become addicted to the siren call of unadulterated internet-based rage. You know who they are. They’re the perpetual contrarian who trolls through the comments on youtube videos constantly questioning the sexual orientation of every positive reviewer. They’re the rage-tweeter who rails against the injustices of safe spaces on campuses and refugees who are given the chance to not be bombed to death. They’re… assholes, basically. And once again they’ve rallied under the cause of trashing an event so they don’t have to dwell on how little they’ve got going on in their personal lives.
The Alamo Drafthouse—one of the country’s premier movie theater chains, which we recently wrote about in a long feature, this week announced their intention to have a “women only” viewing night for forthcoming Wonder Woman film. The film is already touted as a sort of pro-feminist empowerment film, so it almost makes too much sense to try and have an all-female screening of the film. It’s a decent marketing strategy guided by legitimately good intentions. And it’s not like Alamo Drafthouse exists in a vacuum; there are plenty of other, cheaper theaters willing to let women and men co-mingle while watching what is ostensibly a movie for nerds.
The Alamo Drafthouse website offers a very tongue-in-cheek description of the event:
The most iconic superheroine in comic book history finally has her own movie, and what better way to celebrate than with an all-female screening? Apologies, gentlemen, but we’re embracing our girl power and saying ‘No Guys Allowed’ for one special night at the Alamo Ritz. And when we say ‘People Who Identify As Women Only,’ we mean it. Everyone working at this screening, venue staff, projectionist, and culinary team, will be female. So lasso your geeky girlfriends together and grab your tickets to this celebration of one of the most enduring and inspiring characters ever created.
Naturally, this horrendous affront to the oft-marginalized subsection of America known as “men” couldn’t slip past unnoticed. For many, they saw it as not only their prerogative to voice their displeasure at such injustice—nay, it is their duty. As Americans, as men, they demanded the right to watch one of the first, large budget female superhero films alongside these “real women” they’ve heard so much about. To separate them is akin to discrimination. Or war crimes.
@drafthouse I hope someone sues this is discrimination based on sex
— ryan tabatabai (@sirtabatabai) May 25, 2017
@drafthouse In 45 states, this kind of gender discrimination is illegal, but not in Texas. Are you opposed to gender discrimination laws?
— Patrick Lynch (@pwlynch) May 25, 2017
@drafthouse I guess the men in the movie itself will have to be edited out also. Take the sexism to the next level Alamo.
— Anthony Johnson (@tiger_king_3000) May 25, 2017
Powerful stuff, and something we should really think about. It’s unclear whether this movement has a centralized leader, but, if not, we have a suggestion.
To see the most recent Wonder Woman trailer click here, but be warned, a lot of dudes get their butt kicked by a woman.