Legion Showrunner Noah Hawley is Making a Doctor Doom Movie
Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty
Noah Hawley is a busy, busy man. He just finished wrapping up the third season of Fargo and working on the forthcoming second season of Legion, and now he’s turning his sights to the big screen. His next project, which he announced at Comic-Con, involves only: “Two words. Doctor. Doom.”
The deal Fox has with Marvel is that they have to crap out some sort of Fantastic Four movie every few years in order to retain the rights. Because of this obligation, Fox is forced to just release whatever terrible film they’ve managed to cook up, whether it’s any good or not. Sometimes this leads to the outright terrible, like 2015’s reboot failure, but occasionally, it’ll lead to delightful treasures like the 1994 version, made for what looks like $12.But Fox knows they can’t keep this up forever—and can’t realistically reboot the core Fantastic Four movie again so soon—and they’ve wisely decided to pursue alternative stories in the Fantastic universe.
Doctor Doom is the primary antagonist of the Fantastic Four throughout the comics and the recent films. With a name like Victor Von Doom, the man really had no choice but to become a super villain, and he uses scientific genius and a creepy metal mask to become the totalitarian ruler of the fictional country of Latveria.
While we know virtually nothing about the forthcoming project, it’d probably be a safe bet to assume it will be something of an origin story. For once, it looks like the franchise may actually be put in competent hands. And if nothing else, we’ll always have the 1994 version.