Exclusive: Max Bemis & Michael Dialynas Announce Subconscious Bildungsroman, Lucy Dreaming
Main Art by Michael Dialynas
Max Bemis carries an ever-lit candle for underdogs finding their identities. That mission has held true throughout his career as frontman for pop-punk institution Say Anything, and more recently as an inventive comic scribe with a growing library. Bemis poked endearing fun at aging escapists in Oh, Killstrike, which saw a timid new father come to terms with his responsibilities through the excessive filter of ‘90s extreme comics. Worst X-Man Ever continued that focus on self-realization, starring an un-merry mutant with an admittedly awful power—he can blow himself up…once—learning to embrace his internal homo superior. Bemis is currently applying his subtle characterization to Moon Knight with artist Jacen Burrows, but he’ll introduce another nocturnal adventurer come March with Lucy Dreaming.
A five-issue miniseries courtesy BOOM! Studios with The Woods artist Michael Dialynas, the comic is a “sweeping, bildungsroman about living your dreams—literally.” The titular character is a grade-school dreamer of every definition, transcending her mundane surroundings every night for a series of grand excursions. The premise sounds rich, allowing the creators to address any genre with ample room for humor—the cover hints at Star Wars-by-Moebius sci-fi, and watching Bemis and Dialynas tackle the unrestrained imagination of an adolescent should be a joy. Dialynas is also handling coloring duties, layering in otherworldly gradients and vivid hues to mark the contrast between dreary reality and slumbering excitement.
We’ll have more on this miniseries come March, but check out the cover to the first issue below.
Lucy Dreaming #1 Cover Art by Michael Dialynas