Beer in the Kitchen: How to Make an Easy Beer Cheese Dip

I have two major loves in my life: beer and cheese. I’ll pretty much drink any beer once, and if something is cheese or is covered in it I’m 99.9% more likely to want to eat it. When someone combines beer AND cheese, I’m pretty much in heaven. There’s a bar in my neighborhood that does a beer Mac and cheese that I eat often enough to prove that comment.
That said, making your own beer cheese can sometimes be a pretty epic proposition. The folks at Twisted Tea sent me a recipe this week for the stuff that’s actually pretty intriguing. To make their version you just need a cup of Twisted Tea (which yes, I realize is not beer but you can certainly sub it for one if you’re so inclined), a little cornstarch, and some shredded cheese.
You can cook it on the grill beside whatever else you’re making for the night, and the whole thing should be done in just a few minutes so you can spend your time doing what’s important: drinking that beer.
Here’s how to make the magic happen.
Twisted Tea Original – 1 cup
Cornstarch – 1 tablespoon
Shredded Cheddar Cheese – ½ lb.
Hot Sauce (optional) – to taste
Directions: Pour Twisted Tea into a saucepan on the edge of the grill. Dissolve cornstarch in a small bowl with some Twisted Tea. When tea comes to a boil, pour in cornstarch and swirl pan to mix. Slowly add shredded cheese, mixing the whole time until combined. Keep over medium heat, adding some hot sauce if you want a little kick.