The Funniest Tweets about Rudy Giuliani’s Disastrous Hannity Interview
Photo from YouTube
I haven’t been to law school but I’m pretty sure directly contradicting one of your client’s statements on national TV isn’t usually something a lawyer wants to do. That didn’t stop Rudy Giuliani from doing exactly that tonight on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show, of all places. The one-time America’s Mayor joined Donald Trump’s legal team a couple of weeks ago, and during an appearance on Hannity tonight he mentioned that Trump reimbursed lawyer Michael Cohen for the $130000 paid to porn star Stormy Daniels days before the 2016 election in order to keep her quiet about her affair with Trump. (I’d link to the actual interview, but it doesn’t seem to be one of the clips that have been posted at Fox’s YouTube page. Here’s CBS’s report on the interview, instead.) Trump has maintained that he knew nothing about any payments to Daniels, and that he never authorized or funded anything of the sort. Maybe Giuliani got his facts confused (which is what he’s now claiming) or maybe Donald Trump, a longtime professional liar, lied about the money. Either way Giuliani’s astonishingly bone-headed move plays directly into the widespread belief that this president and his associates are just the biggest gaggle of incompetent dunderheads ever seen in American public life. Giuliani bungled this so bad that he momentarily made self-professed non-journalist Sean Hannity, of all people, almost come off like Woodward and Bernstein for a second. (Don’t worry, Hannity fans: your boy kept his partisan bona fides in sight as he basically tried to walk Giuliani through correcting himself immediately after spilling those beans.)
As grim as it is to think that these are the people running this country, and legally representing the people running this country, and trying (and failing) to host interviews with that legal representation that are so unchallenging that the questions can only be compared to teeball and not even softball, there is one slight positive to be found in this embarrassing display: It is officially fun as hell to dunk on disingenuous nitwits like Giuliani and Hannity. Twitter has been good tonight, about as good as Twitter gets. Get your eyes ready for a concentrated blast of PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE joke tweets about two numbskulls trying to protect one of history’s truest dipshits.
It is so beautiful that Sean Hannity just did more to hurt Trump in one night than anyone else in cable news.
— Mark Harris (@MarkHarrisNYC) May 3, 2018
Rudy Giuliani truly is America’s Moron
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) May 3, 2018
If Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump just did a few more interviews on Fox News, we could have this whole impeachment wrapped up by Monday.
— Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) May 3, 2018
Rudy Giuliani is my favorite Tim and Eric character.
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) May 3, 2018
TRUMP: Go on Hannity but don’t say anything incriminating
GIULIANI: I got you
[on Hannity]
Look, everyone admits the President colluded BIG TIME. No one’s denying that, Sean— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) May 3, 2018
the only surprising part about Rudy Giuliani saying Trump repaid Michael Cohen the $130,000 he gave Stormy Daniels is that Trump repaid a debt
— Matt Oswalt (@MattOswaltVA) May 3, 2018
Rudy Giuliani is the Tami Lahren of lawyers.
— andy lassner (@andylassner) May 3, 2018
UPDATE: Rudy Giuliani Asking For Do-Over Of First Day
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) May 3, 2018
Clip of Rudy Giuliani on Hannity.
— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) May 3, 2018
After 9/11 the press bent over backwards to make sure Rudy Giuliani would be the next president and the only reason he wasn’t is because he just happens to be the world’s biggest dumbass
— Chris Scott (@iamchrisscott) May 3, 2018
Being Rudy Giuliani feels like the reincarnation punishment for having been Rudy Giuliani
— Zack Bornstein (@ZackBornstein) May 3, 2018
CNN: Rudy Giuliani admits that Trump repaid Michael Cohen for hush money
MSNBC: Rudy Giuliani just exposed that Donald Trump knowingly lied about Stormy Daniels payoff
FOX NEWS: Why you can fit hot dogs into bowling balls? We expose the truth…
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) May 3, 2018
GIULIANI: He only fired Comey cause his attempts to murder him were unsuccessful.
HANNITY: I didn’t know that either.
GIULIANI: 100%. Poison, no good, piano missed him, blow darts all duds.
HANNITY: So it was a merciful firing.— Jeremy Newberger (@jeremynewberger) May 3, 2018
I just had to look up whether Rudy Giuliani was a WWE Hall of Famer bc that’s where I am in this life.
— Jake Plunkett (@JakePlunkett) May 3, 2018
TRUMP: go on hannity and defend me
GIULIANI: u got it sir. i’ll give them the ol’ rudy razzamatazz
TRUMP: no dont-
GIULIANI: [whispering in his face] the ol’ rudy razzamatazz— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) May 3, 2018
I’m imagining the Pulitzer Prize committee strapping Hannity in a chair and making him accept an award for this Giuliani interview
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) May 3, 2018
Any Trump-related official doing 30-plus minute interview: We did a big crime and we did the big crime exactly how people have been guessing.
Hannity: nervously Uh, you mean you didn’t do the bigtime crime.
Trump official: exact time and location of crime
Hannity next day:
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) May 3, 2018
Sean Hannity- Please welcome back Rudy Giul…
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) May 3, 2018
Never would I have guessed that the President’s mortal enemies would be Rudy Giuliani, Sean Hannity, Fox News, his own personal physicians, and himself.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) May 3, 2018
Hannity, sensing the slip-up, tried to end the interview.
“Sean, I’ve got more,” Giuliani said.
“Well mayor—”
“The floor is yours.”
“Okay. Cruz is the Zodiac.”
“WE’RE REALLY OUT OF TIME MAYOR”— Oliver Willis (@owillis) May 3, 2018
I like that Giuliani has become the drunk girl at the bar that walks up to the biggest guy in the room and says her dork boyfriend is gonna kick his ass.
— Vanessa Ramos (@thatRamosgirl) May 3, 2018
Dennis Miller needs to write Giuliani a thank you card for the distracting us from the fact that we are still waiting for jokes.
— Eden Dranger (@Eden_Eats) May 3, 2018
Lots of folks clowning on Giuliani but I’d like to see you be as big of a fucking idiot all the time
— Dan Clyne (@danCLYNE) May 3, 2018
Giuliani is going to sleep well this evening because what are the chances of shitting the bed twice in one night?
— Chris Regan (@ChrisRRegan) May 3, 2018
HANNITY: Mr. Mayor, welcome!
GIULIANI: Soylent Green is only 95% people – there’s some filler!— Billy Domineau (@BillyDomineau) May 3, 2018
Giuliani: Boy it’s hot in here, I’m gonna take my shirt off
Hannity: Rudy, you don’t have to do that…
Giuliani removes shirt, revealing a t-shirt printed with the words “Trump Sold Heath Ledger The Drugs That Killed Him”— popular comedy account “the pixelated boat” (@pixelatedboat) May 3, 2018
HANNITY: Thanks for joining me, Mr. Giulia—
GIULIANI: It was in international waters
HANNITY: …What was in intern—
GIULIANI: So, good luck prosecuting— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) May 3, 2018