Daily Dose: Ryan Von Gonten, “Truthlikeness”
Images via Human Noise Records
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Oakland-based solo artist Ryan Von Gonten released his debut album Truthlikeness today, Sept. 14, via GoldFlakePaint’s Human Noise Records. The record features contributions from Lomelda’s Hannah Read and Hovvdy/Lomelda drummer Andrew Stevens, both of whom make their presence felt on its reflective title track.
Stevens’ insistent drum beat pushes the song forward as Von Gonten second-guesses himself, singing, “Never told a soul I haven’t done enough / would’ve thought a liar seemed bad enough.” His hushed voice goes gauzy on the song’s achingly ethereal choruses, melding with wispy synths and Read’s tranquil guitar to make a gorgeous moment of fleeting, forward-looking optimism: “But I hear that you’re searching / I hear that you’re finding another right,” Von Gonten sings, the observation a near whisper as the track fades out.
Listen to “Truthlikeness” below and stream the entire record via Bandcamp here.