Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Will Still Apparently Use James Gunn’s Original Script

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Will Still Apparently Use James Gunn’s Original Script

Looks like Dave Bautista might not have to quit the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise to keep his word after all. The integral piece of Marvel’s cosmic mercenary team had previously said that he would walk out on the series if Disney attempted to make the eventual Vol. 3 without using former director James Gunn’s original script, after Gunn’s much-publicized firing over offensive old tweets. Now, however, the director’s brother Sean Gunn is saying that whenever Guardians 3 actually happens, it will indeed be with the script James Gunn wrote for it.

“I know Disney still wants to make the movie,” said Sean Gunn, who also plays the role of Kraglin in the film, to the Tulsa World. “I know that they have every intention of using the script that my brother wrote.”

Commenting on the firing, he went on to say the following:

“Obviously, that was a very unfortunate situation for everybody, most of all him…but I am also somebody who had been preparing to spend half a year making that movie and now that’s up in the air. Obviously, I think it’s a tricky proposition for them to find another director to step in — and also the scheduling of a lot of other actors who are incredibly busy can’t be easy. But I know that they plan on making the movie. I had not been contacted at all for a while, but I was recently contacted by Marvel saying, ‘Yeah, we do plan to make this movie. We’re just not sure when yet.’”

Pretty much all the actors involved in the Guardians series have come out in support of rehiring James Gunn, including the signing of an open letter requesting that he be reinstated, but Disney has ignored those requests and held firm. What is certain is that the film has been shelved at least for a while, even while rumors swirl about the potential directors who could inherit the difficult job of replacing Gunn on one of the MCU’s most important and well-liked franchises.

Sean Gunn, however, seems quite certain that the film will eventually happen, and it will have its original story by James Gunn intact. For Guardians fans, that’s probably at least an ounce of good news. We’ll bring you more information on the Guardians Vol. 3 timeline as it breaks.

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