The Girl in the Spider’s Web Looks to be in Good Hands, in a Spoiler-Laden Trailer #2

The Girl in the Spider’s Web Looks to be in Good Hands, in a Spoiler-Laden Trailer #2

There are a lot of film geeks out there who are still chafed by the fact that David Fincher’s 2011 adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo never received a proper follow-up. That adaptation of Stieg Larsson’s best-selling novel received critical acclaim and did decently at the box office, but it wasn’t the blockbuster that MGM was hoping for at the time. For a while, it seemed like we might never see another American take on Lisbeth Salander at all, but that time has now come—and dare we say, it’s actually looking pretty good.

The Girl in the Spider’s Web is being helmed by director Fede Álvarez, who has already demonstrated a keen knack for thrillers in Evil Dead and especially the surprisingly taut Don’t Breathe. His version of Salandar, as played by The Crown’s Claire Foy, is a hacker and activist who is further into her career, having established a reputation for herself as an avenging angel: “That girl who hurts men who hurt women,” as the narrator describes her. She’s joined by a recast version of journalist Mikael Blomkvist, played by Sverrir Gudnason, who was of course played by Daniel Craig in the Fincher version.

Of course, it’s that notoreity that draws out Salander’s most dangerous adversary, who is none other than her own sister—there’s a definite Sherlock vs. Mycroft Holmes vibe at play here. These facts will all be known to those who have read The Girl in the Spider’s Web, the source material novel from author David Lagercrantz, who took up the task of finishing the Millennium series after Larsson’s death. We’re personally excited to see actress Sylvia Hoeks in the role, as she was a scene-stealer as the android “Luv” in Blade Runner 2049.

If there’s one knock on the trailer below, though, be aware that it’s fairly spoiler heavy as far as the film’s plot is concerned. Although the nature and identity of the villain is pretty much central to the film’s reason for existence, be warned, if you want to go into The Girl in the Spider’s Web as fresh as you can.

The Girl in the Spider’s Web releases first in Sweden on Oct. 26, and then in the U.S. on Nov. 9, 2018.

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