ICYMI: Here’s Matt Damon as Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday Night Live

If you’ve somehow completely avoided the internet and all human interaction since 11:30 PM ET on Saturday night, you maybe haven’t heard about this yet. Matt Damon, a big-name Hollywood actor guy who’s also pretty good at funny acting, popped up as a surprise guest in Saturday Night Live’s cold open this weekend. Damon yelled and hollered his way through a convincing impersonation of Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court nominee and real life Revenge of the Nerds villain who appears to have lied during his belligerent Senate hearing testimony last week. As far as SNL political comedy goes today, where they eschew writing any actual jokes or having any kind of message in favor of simply having famous people mug for the camera a bit, Damon is actually kind of funny. It’s the most obvious thing the show could do, and none of the rest of the material in this sketch is remotely smart or funny, but Damon tapping into that deep wellspring of irritable white privilege is good for a laugh or two.
Watch the thing below, if you haven’t already, okay?