Everything We Know about Captain Marvel So Far

Everything We Know about Captain Marvel So Far

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The post-credits scene in Avengers: Infinity War separated the hardcore comics fans from the casual film watchers, the ones who recognized Nick Fury’s old-school pager SOS to Captain Marvel from those who were confused about the tiny logo on the device.

Regardless of which category viewers fell into at that point, however, it’s undeniable that Marvel fans everywhere are anxiously awaiting the debut of the heroine (and the day she saves the Avengers who, clearly, were unable to do so on their own).

Marvel Studios has remained fairly secretive regarding the forthcoming film, with information only released exactly when, and to whom, the studio has chosen. Despite this, there’s still a decent bit of intel circling and we’ve gathered it here—read on for everything we know about the forthcoming Captain Marvel.

Who is Captain Marvel?

Only the most powerful being in the MCU thus far. No big deal!

Captain Marvel originally was a male Kree alien named Mar-Vell, co-created by the late Stan Lee and Gene Colan, and debuted in Marvel Super-Heroes #12 in 1967. However, the Captain Marvel of the current MCU is Carol Danvers, Air Force pilot, member of the Kree Starforce and all-around boss.

Following an accident, Danvers’ DNA combines with that of the Kree, imbuing her with ridiculously potent powers such as flight, energy manipulation and superhuman strength. She was originally known as Ms. Marvel, though in 2012 she officially took over the title of Captain Marvel.

Oscar-winner Brie Larson was announced for the role of Danvers at San Diego Comic-Con 2016. In speaking with Entertainment Weekly earlier this year, the actress described Danvers as follows:

She can be aggressive, and she can have a temper, and she can be a little invasive and in your face. She’s also quick to jump to things, which makes her amazing in battle because she’s the first one out there and doesn’t always wait for orders. But the [not] waiting for orders is, to some, a character flaw.

Back in January, we got our first look at Larson on set, which was followed by another image shared in March to mark the start of principal photography on the film.

Images of Captain Marvel, both in her Kree Starforce getup and in the better-known red, blue and gold costume, have also been released.

Okay, but Captain Marvel can’t be the only character … Who else is in it?

A few familiar faces are coming back to the big screen for the film, namely Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury and Clark Gregg’s Phil Coulson. Both will be playing younger versions of their characters (Fury will have two eyes at some point in the film) and will therefore be de-aged, similar to how Marvel has done so with Tony Stark in the past.

Also returning are Lee Pace and Djimon Hounsou, reprising their Guardians of the Galaxy characters Ronan the Accuser and Korath, respectively. Set much earlier than Guardians, Captain Marvel’s Ronan and Korath aren’t quite the villains many would recognize them as, but instead fanatical members of the Kree society.

As far as new faces are concerned, Gemma Chan joins the cast as Minn-Erva, a Kree geneticist who fights alongside Danvers in Starforce. Lashana Lynch, stepping in for DeWanda Wise, will play Maria Rambeau, Air Force pilot, friend of Danvers and most notably mother of Monica Rambeau, who later grows up to become the superhero known as Photon/Pulsar/Spectrum. Because of the time jump of the film—which we’ll get to later—there’s a decent chance an adult Monica will show up in later Marvel films, perhaps fighting alongside Danvers herself. Finally, Ben Mendelsohn, no stranger to playing sci-fi baddies, is stepping into the role of Talos, a member of shape-shifting alien race the Skrulls (who will be making their first big-screen appearance in the MCU for Captain Marvel) and the main antagonist in the film.

There are a few mysteries in the casting yet to be resolved.

Annette Bening joined the cast in May in an unknown role, with the only information released so far being she is a scientist of some sort. There has been speculation regarding the extent of her role, from being Danvers’ mother (who wasn’t a scientist in the original comics) to being Helen Cobb, Danvers’ Air Force mentor.

Perhaps one of the most curious castings is that of Jude Law, whose name has yet to be revealed, despite the character being clearly shown in the trailer. It appears he will be playing Danvers’ mentor and leader of the Kree Starforce, though beyond that, there are a few different directions his character could take. There have been many predictions that Law will be Mar-Vell, the original Captain Marvel and the man whose DNA binds with Danvers’ to give her her powers, though because this hasn’t been confirmed, there has also been speculation that he may instead be villain Yon-Rogg, a Starforce colonel gone rogue.

The ‘90s? Nick Fury with two eyes? What is happening here?

A synopsis of the film first revealed by EW reads as follows:

Directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, Captain Marvel sidesteps the traditional origin-story template, and when it begins, Carol already has her powers. She’s left her earthly life behind to join an elite Kree military team called Starforce, led by Jude Law’s enigmatic commander.

But before long, Carol finds herself back on Earth with new questions about her past. And she’s got a formidable enemy in the form of the Skrulls—the notorious Marvel baddies made all the more dangerous by their shape-shifting abilities. Ben Mendelsohn plays their leader Talos, who spearheads a Skrull invasion of Earth.

The film’s first trailer debuted on Sept. 18 and contained all kinds of interesting tidbits about the film (such as Danvers being a Nine Inch Nails fan, which just feels important.)

It opens with Captain Marvel, in full Starforce garb, falling out of the sky and into a Blockbuster Video. After that she’s shown being recruited by Fury, who at this point is a Cold War-weathered member of S.H.I.E.L.D. getting ready to hang up his badge, to whom Danvers struggles to describe her past.

“I keep having these memories. I see flashes,” says Danvers as shots of her Air Force training and childhood flash by. “I think I had a life here, but I can’t tell if it’s real.”

We see shots of the Starforce and a very alarmed-looking, still-not-named Law, just before the Skrulls wash up on a beach on Earth (and Danvers decks a little old lady, presumably one of the shapeshifters attempting to blend in).

Finally, the trailer finishes with a few looks at Danvers’ powers, which again, look to be no joke. Thank goodness, because seeing as how this is the person Fury called in at the end of Infinity War to come save the world—and like, half of the Avengers, which we’re still not over—she’s going to need a whole lot of power to defeat Thanos and his charged-up Infinity Gauntlet.

The trailer didn’t reveal much by way of plot that the synopsis didn’t already, other than that the film may take on a more serious tone than, say, the more recent Guardians of the Galaxy or Thor: Ragnarok, but it is a pretty cool look into the film. Check it out below.

Kevin Feige promised more women on set … Did he deliver?

Being the first female-fronted film in the MCU (in a decision that was long-overdue), eyes fell on Marvel Studios to reflect that landmark behind the scenes, as well.

Following promises by the studio’s fearless leader Kevin Feige, many were expecting Marvel to appoint its first female director for the venture. As reported in April of last year, Captain Marvel will be helmed by the duo behind Mississippi Grind, Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, technically fulfilling Feige’s words.

Boden isn’t the only woman with a major role in the film’s production, however, as the script was co-written by Nicole Perlman (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Meg LaFauve (Inside Out). Further, in another first for the studio, Pinar Toprak will score the film as the first female composer in the MCU.

When can we expect it?

Captain Marvel wrapped filming in June, with Larson sharing the first post-production wrap photo shortly thereafter.

It’s not set for release until March 8, 2019, comfortably placing it before the ever-mysterious Avengers 4.

What’s the latest?

Marvel shared a new poster and trailer for Captain Marvel on Dec. 2 and 4, respectively. See both below.

Watch this space for further updates on Captain Marvel.

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