PUP Explore a Bleak Future in Their “Kids” Music Video
Photo by Vanessa Heins
If you’re going to watch anything today (Jan. 30), make it PUP’s slick music video for their latest single “Kids.” The lead single from the Canadian punk outfit’s forthcoming album Morbid Stuff careens in the background with their usual furious energy as the band members find themselves in Toronto in the year 2059.
They’re not exactly where you’d expect. Bassist Nestor Chumak is dealing with a resentful daughter, Zack Mykula plays drums on the street for apathetic passersby, guitarist Steve Sladkowski clings onto his youth with an ageless head device and as for vocalist Stefan Babcock—well, you’ll have to watch to find out what happens to him.
It’s a surreal imagining that’s executed brilliantly, as Babcock explains in a statement:
[Director Jeremy Schaulin-Rioux] cooked up this hilarious concept of what all of our lives would be like 40 years in the future. Our goal was to sorta set viewers up for this happy feel-good ending, and then at the last minute, crush them with darkness. Just like life in the present, most things in the future will probably turn out shit, or, if we’re really lucky, fine at best.
The music video’s theme fits in neatly with the album’s title—it is, indeed, morbid stuff. However, even in its darkest moments, there’s something onscreen for you to smile about.
Check out PUP’s tour dates and album details here. Morbid Stuff will be released via Little Dipper/Rise Records on April 5. Watch the video for “Kids” and listen to PUP’s performance of “Lionheart” from the Paste archives below.