Strange Ranger Release “Leona,” Lead Single from Their Third Album Remembering the Rockets

Strange Ranger Release “Leona,” Lead Single from Their Third Album Remembering the Rockets

Being a teenager is hard. But if you’re reading this, you’re probably the sort who remembers finding comfort in a simple song of simple pleasures; sometimes you just need to go wordless and “ba da da” it out. Lead guitarist and vocalist Isaac Eiger and his bandmates, collectively known as Strange Ranger, know this. The group’s newly released track, album opener “Leona,” typifies what we can expect from their forthcoming LP, Remembering the Rockets, due out July 26 on Tiny Engines.

Eiger explains:

I really like pop rock style “da da”s and wanted us to our have own “da da” song. That sort of spiraled out of control, and now it seems like all the songs from this album have them. Most of the songs also feature this bulky old synthesizer we ordered from Japan which can do a gillion things.

Remembering the Rockets is the band’s third album, following 2016’s Rot Forever and 2017’s Daymoon. Bassist-pianist-vocalist Fred Nixon says Remembering the Rockets will be something of a change for the group:

After making Daymoon, I think Isaac and myself were both feeling pretty creatively exhausted with the rock band format. We wanted the feel of the next record to put you in a trance.

For example, “Nothing Else to Think About” has an “ASMR-inducing bass line,” per a press release, and the ambient interludes “athens,” “ga” and ”’02” drop traditional rock elements and vocals altogether.

Strange Ranger are currently on tour with Spirit of the Beehive. Listen to “Leona” below, and check out the details of Remembering the Rockets and the band’s tour dates further down. The album is available for preorder in multiple formats here.

Remembering the Rockets Album Art:


Remembering the Rockets Tracklist:
01. Leona
02. Sunday
03. Ari Song
04. athens, ga
05. Message To You
06. Nothing Else To Think About
07. rockets
08. Ranch Style Home
09. Pete’s Hill
10. Beneath The Lights
11. Planes In Front of the Sun
12. ‘02
13. Living Free
14. Cold Hands Warm Heart

Strange Ranger Tour Dates:

22 – Indianapolis, Ind. @ State Street Pub
23 – St. Louis, Mo. @ Foam
25 – Denver, Colo. @ Larimer Lounge
30 – Seattle, Wash. @ Vera Project
31 – Spokane, Wash. @ Volume Festival

02 – Portland, Ore. @ Doug Fir
05 – San Francisco, Calif. @ Thee Parkside
06 – Los Angeles, Calif. @ The Hi Hat
08 – Phoenix, Ariz. @ Crescent Ballroom
11 – Dallas, Texas @ Transit Bicycle Co.
12 – Austin, Texas @ Mohawk
13 – Houston, Texas @ Satellite Bar
14 – New Orleans, La. @ Gasa Gasa
15 – Atlanta, Ga. @ The Drunken Unicorn

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