Exclusive: Keb’ Mo’ Soundtracks a “Merry Merry Christmas” in Joyful New Music Video
Image courtesy of the artist
The holidays are a time of hope, joy and renewal as we turn the page to a year as yet unwritten, and elder statesmen of Americana Keb’ Mo’ is certainly feeling that spirit: The four-time Grammy winner, recently nominated anew for his 2019 LP Oklahoma, released his first-ever holiday album in October, Moonlight, Mistletoe & You, and today (Dec. 18), Paste is proud to premiere the video for one of its tracks. Originally written and recorded by Koko Taylor, “Merry Merry Christmas” is just what it sounds like: an open-hearted ode to the most celebratory time of year.
Keb’ Mo’ instigates one hell of a celebration in his new video: Written, directed and edited by Andrew Rozario, the fun clip finds Keb’ Mo’ at a dull Tennessee bar, rolling his eyes at the utterly lifeless performance before him. Suddenly “Keb’ Mo’s Merry Merry Christmas” snaps onscreen, and before the bored barflies know it, it’s Keb’ Mo’ himself up on the stage, a wide smile on his face and a bluesy riff at his fingertips. His enthusiasm is infectious, spreading like a particularly pleasant virus from one audience member to another until the bar is transformed into an all-out holiday bash, with an assist from a few members of Nashville burlesque troupe Electric Cowgirl.
“We had so much fun making the music video for ‘Christmas Is Annoying’ but I felt like it was time to also spread some holiday cheer, so we decided to have some fun and make a second video for my song, ‘Merry Merry Christmas,’” Keb’ Mo’ tells Paste. “I hope everyone enjoys it as much as we enjoyed making it!”
Watch the “Merry Merry Christmas” video and Keb’s June Paste Studio session below. You can stream Moonlight, Mistletoe & You, out now on Concord Records, right here.