Black Mirror Creator to Edit Three Original Novellas Based on The Series
Image via Random House
The highly popular show we’ll go ahead and dub “The Twilight Zone for millennials,” Black Mirror, is about to convert to “paper format.” Per a report from the BBC, the show’s creator, Charlie Brooker, will edit three original novellas that expand upon the sci-fi show. Saying only that the authors will be “leading fiction writers,” nobody is revealing who will actually do the writing work. And, yes, Brooker made that backwards technology joke before we could.
We’re pleased to announce Black Mirror will soon be available in high-tech ‘paper’ format:
— Charlie Brooker (@charltonbrooker) June 13, 2017
According to Random House, we only have to wait until next February for “new, original, darkly satirical stories that tap into our collective unease about the modern world.” That should give Trump just enough time to blow up the planet before then.
You can preorder Black Mirror: Volume I, due out on Feb. 20, 2018, here. Check out our definitive Black Mirror episode ranking here.