Enter Paste’s “Write Start” Writing Contest!

The dreaded blank page. Whether you’re staring at a blinking cursor on your computer screen or struggling to put pen to paper, tackling the blank page takes some serious effort.

Our pals at Biographile recognized the challenge of writing those first words, so they launched a series of practical writing tips from published authors. And we’re so excited about the series that we’ve teamed up with Biographile to host a writing contest!

We’re calling on aspiring and seasoned writers to submit a single opening paragraph—a collection of no more than 75 words—that leaves the reader intrigued and eager to know more. This won’t be any ordinary paragraph. It should hook the reader from the outset, be rich in description and remain unburdened by fatty detail or flowery prose. Don’t cram in too much information; the best entries will balance omission with admission.

Submit your opening paragraph using this online form by January 26th to enter the contest. A team of editors from both Paste and Biographile will judge the entries, and the winner will be announced on February 2nd. In addition to having their piece published on Paste and Biographile on February 3rd, the winner will receive a 16 GB iPad Mini with Wi-Fi, a Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover for their iPad Mini and a bundle of books curated by Biographile!

Looking for inspiration before you begin writing? Check out Biographile’s “Write Start” series! Throughout the month of January, over 40 authors will share their personal experiences on getting those first words on paper.

Contest Rules:
We will only accept an original paragraph written in English up to 75 words long. Props if you’re a prolific writer, but the contest is limited to one previously unpublished entry per person (pieces posted on personal blogs count as “published” works and are not eligible for the contest). You have from 11:30 a.m. on January 5th to 11:59 p.m. on January 26th to enter, so get writing!

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