Watch Amber Ruffin Replace a Couple of Pop Culture’s Many Problematic Men on Late Night
Images via NBC/YouTube
It’s 2018 and there are creepy men everywhere. Well, there have always been creepy men (and women) everywhere, but in today’s social climate with the #MeToo movement, they’re at least more likely to get called out. For those of us with a conscience, watching movies, TV shows or what-have-yous made by an artist after they’ve been accused of sexual misconduct is no longer enjoyable. So, “if you’re tired of separating the art from the artist,” Amber Ruffin is here for you.
On Tuesday night’s episode of Late Night With Seth Meyers, Ruffin “ took all of the classic art made by sketchy dudes” and “remade it so you can enjoy it guilt-free.” It’s a creative solution for that sick-to-your-stomach feeling you may get when partaking in a Chris Brown song or Kevin Spacey show. Ruffin may not be the best singer, dancer or actor out there, but she assures us that she’s never sexually abused anyone—we’ll take it! Watch Ruffin make fun of Woody Allen’s infamous stutter in the video below.
Ruffin also mocks “any number” of stand-up comedians, pointing out that while they may be less looked at, the #MeToo phenomenon is still occurring in the less-mainstream areas of the entertainment industry. With Ruffin’s approach, there’s no need to separate the art from the artist; instead, you can just “throw them both in the garbage.”