Watch the Trailer for the New Beavis & Butt-Head Series

On the heels of their triumphant return to full-length features, Beavis and Butt-Head will get back to what they know best: episodic TV. The third series starring Mike Judge’s not-quite-lovable doofuses launches on Paramount+ on August 4, marking the first new episodes of the classic MTV cartoon since a one-season revival in 2011. Judge will return to voice the characters, who are still teenagers after 30 years, forever wearing their Metallica and AC/DC shirts (except in any officially licensed Beavis and Butt-Head merchandise, of course). According to an interview with Consequence, the duo won’t be commenting on music videos like they did in the ‘90s, but are fully embracing the 21st century and will be making fun of TikTok and YouTube videos instead. Anybody who misses the music videos can take some solace in the fact that the classic episodes, complete with videos, are gradually being added to Paramount+.
The 2011 revival wasn’t a smash hit, or anything, but it was impressive how seamlessly Judge was able to return to something he hadn’t worked on in over a decade at that point. If the original show had continued churning out seasons all the way through 2011, whatever episodes were made that year probably would’ve felt a lot like what we got with that revival. Hopefully the same is true of this new series.
We’ll find out on Aug. 4. In the meantime, here’s that trailer for the new show.