Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe Gets a Trailer and Release Date

These are truly the days of cool baby boomer filmmakers from Texas getting all nostalgic for outer space through the medium of animation. In March true Texan Richard Linklater (born in ‘60) released Apollo 10 1/2, a detailed (and slightly fancified) examination of what it was like to be a kid in Texas during the ‘60s space race, and now Mike Judge (‘62), who I just learned was actually raised in New Mexico and didn’t live in Texas until his late 20s, is about to release Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe later this month. The brand new Beavis and Butt-Head film comes out on Paramount+ on June 23, and sees the titular bungholes somehow becoming astronauts and getting sucked into a black hole and spat out in the year 2022 and… well, just watch the trailer for yourself.
So this here trailer promises pretty much everything you hope to get from Beavis and Butt-Head: some brilliantly moronic laughs at the expense of the heavy metal burnout stereotype that somehow proliferated in pop culture in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. Hell, it even makes fun of yahoos like all of us here at Paste who try to intellectualize the low-brow antics of B & B-H as a cutting satire of whatever and whoever. (It is, though, but of course it would spoil the whole thing if Judge and Co. owned up to it and didn’t mock critics like us.)
Revivals are always tricky, but if Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe is even half as good as 1996’s fantastic Beavis and Butt-Head Do America, it will totally live up to sterling legacy Judge built with these characters back in the ‘90s. This trailer makes it look like there’s a very good possibility of that happening. Check it out above, and get that Paramount+ app ready to go on June 23.