Watch SNL‘s Bernie Sanders Endorse Hillary Clinton After a Seinfeld Reunion

Thursday’s Democratic debate in Brooklyn was the most contentious one the party has held yet this election, as the enmity that has grown between supporters of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is now evident between the candidates themselves. Clearly Saturday Night Live wasn’t going to leave this fruit just hanging there, scraping the ground like that, so they put in a call to Larry David to return once again with his Bernie Sanders impersonation. And with Seinfeld’s Julia Louis-Dreyfus hosting the episode, part of the debate sketch wrote itself. Take a look at SNL’s riff on the debate, complete with sitcom multimillionaire David-as-Sanders endorsing Kate MacKinnon-as-Clinton for purely selfish reasons, and see if you can catch all the 20-year-old sitcom references the writers packed in near the end.