Broad City: “Pussy Weed”

This week’s Broad City was all about growing and taking responsibility, the standards for which are admittedly pretty low in 2014. Abbi, having relied on friend-weed to get her high her entire adult life, decides to finally buy for herself, but soon discovers she lacks the skills to actually find “pizza” (“it’s what the kids are calling it”). Ilana, who’s always depended on her parents to deal with her finances, wants to file her own taxes for once, but hits a roadblock when she can’t find the apparently missing forms W-3 through W-8.
It’s a premise I found to be stronger than the premiere’s and eerily familiar on a personal level. These modest life goals are just the kind of psuedo-milestones that seem attainable to a generation that can barely afford cars, much less houses. The fact that some outlier peers manage to get it together anyway just makes it that much worse, an anxiety hilariously illustrated by the pot dealer-cum-housewife “Cheese,” sporting some conspicuously CGI-looking stretched ears.
In a comedy, of course, all this is still secondary to the jokes, which were just as killer as last week’s. Hannibal Buress’ relationship-seeking dentist was again a highlight and of all television’s jokey slang for the vagina, Ilana’s “vahina” might be my favorite. By comparison, Abbi’s dope-induced stupor had a more mixed payoff, leading to some very funny physical comedy in Lincoln’s waiting room and a significantly less amusing shipping store freak-out.
All and all, it was another very true, very funny entry from what’s quickly becoming one of my favorite comedies. The fact that it’s only the second episode makes me seriously excited about what the young show might look like once it finds its bearings. And while I didn’t find this episode quite as funny as last week’s, I think the final punchline calling back to the titular “pussy weed” demonstrated an immediate growth in script-writing over last week. With “Pussy Weed,” Broad City proves it’s not just a show you should see, but a show to watch.